Download ViroMatch

ViroMatch Docker Image

Once you’ve installed Docker Desktop (and the Docker service is running on your system) you will be able to download the ViroMatch Docker image. To test that Docker Desktop is installed and running correctly on your computer, you may type the following in a terminal.

docker --version


Docker version 19.03.12, build 48a66213fe

The latest version of ViroMatch is provided via DockerHub. Once you’ve installed Docker Desktop (and the Docker service is running on your system) you will be able to download and run the ViroMatch Docker image. Specifically, you want the viromatch:latest image.

Download ViroMatch

Alternatively, to download and install ViroMatch into Docker service, type the following in your terminal.

docker pull twylie/viromatch:latest


latest: Pulling from twylie/viromatch
Digest: sha256:71547c20dbdd6c14f67b661f3c88b4b902675df642004a1a90c57f1223fdabb2
Status: Image is up to date for twylie/viromatch:latest

The command above will contact DockerHub to download and register the ViroMatch image on your system. This process can take several minutes. Once installed, you will be able to run ViroMatch pipeline containers on your computer. Type the following to see if your download was successful.

docker images twylie/virmatch:latest


twylie/viromatch   latest   de2636b2ff1e   3 days ago  1.56GB

If you see something that looks similar to the above output, you’ve downloaded and registered the ViroMatch docker image on your system.